
Mexican Fire Opals are unique gems found around the world, here in México the color varies from yellow to reddish colors, displaying iridescent rays of light, forming the phenomenon known as the “fire opal”.

There are many categories of opal in our Mexican Fire Opal branch; unique specimens are those that have a whole spectrum of light reflecting properties(the whole rainbow), supreme are the ones that don’t require too much light to show their full reflecting properties. There are many more categories beyond these two. It is also possible for a single gem to be in more than one category.


It all begins with an idea. Making it right always depends on each of us, this is a online jewelry store made just for you, from designs ready to ship to a process were you can create your own with our help. Needles to say that all of our materials are top quality, such as our jewelers, precious and semi-precious stones and our metals. This is a online jewelry store with a small variety of pieces, to ask for specific stones or pieces click here

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